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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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i love this review! I agree that it is almost predictable but, I think the challenge is really striking a balance between in how directed the maze is. But, as a proof of concept, I think it is a nice formula to experiment on, each transition can even be randomly assigned so everyone can potentially have unique play through everytime!

hey so now that I'm sober I can actually articulate the triggering mechanism ,legit the playing of the when the narrative role kicks in (storytelling/video watch) and when the player walks around the world to find the end of the maze that did it for me because as I was playing the game , the impression that you had to unlock keys to progress in the maze and where exactly the game designer wanted you do was vague but, at the same time very clear. I think this game has INCREDIBLE potential , I'm speaking in turns of non-eucledian mazes , generative soundtracks based on elements in the maze , generative mazes that can throw off the sense of place the player has during the maze. v inspired to do one centered around gothic architecture and mirrors

had me going for a bit , my  entire body is tingling from the anxiety this game gave me , please open source it I want to project certain parts in VR land :)